Buy Ormus, monoatomic gold, mono atomic gold, monatomic gold, ORMES, O.R.M.E.S., white powder gold, MFKTZ, MUFKUTZ, edible gold, liquid gold, dry powder gold, philosopher’s stone, elixir of life, food of the gods, semen of the gods, manna, showbread, shewbread, m-state, high spin elements, colloidal silver, sole, brine, Himalayan salt.


According to legend around 3000 BC three magician astrologists followed a star in the east leading them to their newborn savior. They presented him with the sacred gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.

Sacred Gifts for the Mind, Body, and Spirit

Buy Ormus, Mono Atomic Gold, ORMES, Edible Gold



Ormus typically addresses physical ailments first so doing a liver and or colon cleanse prior to starting your Omus experience will greatly speed the healing process and amplify the absorption rate of the trace minerals and monoatomic elements. Weekly salt baths will help you detoxify from EMF radiation.


Liver Cleanse  l  Colon Cleanse  l Ultimate Cleanse  l  Bathing Salt



You might try a one to six day fast prior to taking Ormus to greatly enhance your Ormus experience. Fasting gives your digestive system a break and allows your body to process and eliminate toxins. Be sure to use high quality, non fluoridated water. For best results use distilled, reverse osmosis, or other high quality alkaline (8 pH) water. You can use activated charcoal to lesson detox symptoms if needed.  


Fasting  l  Restructure  l  Oxygenator  l  Ionizer  l  Alkalize



Balancing your pH is another great way to increase the effectiveness of taking Ormus. Buy a pH meter or some pH strips and test the pH of your saliva first thing every morning. If your pH is below 7 that means your body is acidic. You can control acidity by reducing your caffeine and nicotine intake and consuming lots of alkaline water and alkaline foods like lemons and watermelon. Sole works great too.


pH Strips  l  Alkaline Foods


Mental Preparation

Ormus is known for improving cognitive function and our brains are literally made of what we eat. Be sure to consume a wide variety of live, raw non–GMO fruits and vegetables and high quality salt when taking Ormus. Avoiding or reducing your exposure to cell phones, Wi-Fi, and microwaves will help you assimilate the ormic materials more efficiently and increase the electrical activity of your brain.


Brain Foods  l  EMF Protection  l  Himalayan Salt


Spiritual Preparation

If you do not like the word “spiritual” replace it with “emotional”. It is wise to get your spirit in a calm, reverent, meditative state shortly before and after you consume Ormus. Ormus is half spirit and half mineral so charging your elixir with intentions can increase the effectiveness by as much as 50%. If you have no specific intentions simply hold the bottle in your right hand while thinking, feeling or saying love and gratitude.


Meditation  l  Charging



Common Responses to Ormus



If you followed any of the advice suggested above prior to taking Ormus, below is a brief overview of what you may experience. If you do nothing in preparation for taking Ormus don’t worry. Ormus can still do amazing things for your mind, body, and spirit it just might take a little longer.


If you are in good health and sensitive to subtle energies you may notice immediate results.


If you are highly toxic, overweight, or physically ill you may go through a short healing crisis (1 to 3 days) before improvements begin. Get plenty of rest and drinks lots of purified water.


If you are physically injured (flesh wound, broken bone, burn, etc.) within a few days or weeks you or your doctor will likely notice the injury is healing much faster than normal.


If you are suffering from an emotional or mental disorder you may begin to see improvements within the first few days or weeks. Many infliction are permanently corrected in as little as six to nine months.


If suffering from chronic pain you may experience moderate relief within a few days or weeks, but it could take six months or more to heal your body completely.  


When taking Ormus for mental clarity or to boost psychic abilities you should notice improvements within two to three hours after taking Ormus. Taking more than recommended dosage is futile but taking one teaspoon twice a day seems to work better than taking two teaspoons once per day.



Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol while using Ormus may increase intoxication or cause other adverse effects. It is wise to stop using Ormus at least 3 days prior to consuming alcohol.





*This information is based on experience and the testimonies of friends, family and fellow

Ormus users. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not

intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Read disclaimer>


Alchemical Symbol for Transformation
















How To        

“Victory is the child of preparation and determination.” ~Sean Hampton



Cone of Gold, MFKTZ, Ormus, Monoatomic Gold, Edible Gold, White Powder Gold, Food of the Gods, Philosopher’s Stone , Manna, Shewbread
Buy Ormus, Mono Atomic Gold, ORMES, Edible Gold

Supernatural Benefits

Natural Supplements


Buy Colloidal Siver, Sole, Brine, Homeopathy
Sacred Secrets


Glass Jars

Salt for Sole

pH Solutions

Salt for Ormus

Food Grade Lye

Vortex Magnetizer

pH Meters



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Make Sole

Bless Water

Make Ormus

Learn Telekinesis

Restructure Water

Make Colloidal Silver

Sun Gaze










Yerba Mate

Ormus Book


Miracle ll Soap

Bentonite Clay

Willard Water



Oops, I Quit Smoking Shop e-Cigarettes

They opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.